Contributors: Rachel Jamison and Aaron Yeager.

Want to learn more about Black history, both locally and beyond? Take a look below, for ways you can get involved this month.
Contributors: Rachel Jamison and Aaron Yeager.
Want to learn more about Black history, both locally and beyond? Take a look below, for ways you can get involved this month.
In the aftermath of the January 6, 2021 insurrection, the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the murder of Jayland Walker, the General Election in November is extremely important. Below, you’ll find our recommendations on who and what to vote for, including a sample ballot for Stow.
At the most recent Board of Education Meeting, Dr. Pamela Wind proposed the Pride Month Resolution, which would recognize June as Pride Month in Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools, while also laying out some concrete action steps to make sure LGBTQIA+ students and staff are in a safe and accommodating environment at school.
Last week, the Ohio House and Senate passed House Bill 99 (HB99), which would allow teachers and staff to bring guns to school with less than 24 hours of training. Supposedly, if teachers can arm themselves, they can stop school shootings from happening, or intensifying, which is ridiculous, and dangerous to everyone involved.
If you’d like to stop Governor Mike DeWine from signing this bill into law, we’ve created a script for calling him, and telling him how you feel.
Primary Elections are important. Here are Stow Collaboration for Change’s recommendations for contested seats on the upcoming Democratic ballot.
Disclaimer: The author of this post, Aaron Yeager, was an employee at Akron AIDS Collaborative, the organization that manages the Bayard Rustin LGBTQ+ Resource Center, at the time the post was published.
Contributors: Rachel Jamison and Aaron Yeager.
This year, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Akron AIDS Collaborative opened the Bayard Rustin LGBTQ+ Resource Center, in Akron, Ohio. It’s a safe space for people who identify as queer, to hang out and use services, such as a free clothing bank, designed for trans people, called Rustin’s Rack; free HIV and COVID-19 testing; case management services, for people who currently don’t have housing, or need help navigating social services, such as food stamps; and much, much more.
Contributors: Rachel Jamison and Aaron Yeager.
We have been continuing to push the Stow-Munroe Falls school system and its Board of Education to do the right thing. Recently, a student created an anonymous Instagram account, @concernedstudentsofsmfhs, detailing some serious concerns from students at the high school about bullying, sexual assault, and mental health.
Contributors: Rachel Jamison and Aaron Yeager.
With only two weeks until the November 2nd election, we thought now would be an apt time to revisit some of Geraldine Bettio’s most callous and oblivious moments from her time on the Stow Munroe-Falls Board of Education. We urge you to read the following quotes and consider if this is someone who is fit to sit on the Board of Education (BoE) and make decisions on behalf of your children.
Stow Collaboration for Change has obtained information via a public records request that shows Stow Munroe-Falls Board of Education Member, Gerry Bettio, who is currently running for re-election, became physically aggressive with a school employee during a strategic planning meeting on May 25, 2021.
Click here to check your voter registration or register to vote.
Click here to find your polling location.
Stow Collaboration for Change is excited to endorse Dr. Pamela Wind for the Stow-Munroe Falls Board of Education. We had the opportunity to sit down with Pamela and discuss her platform, qualifications, and motivations, which you can read all about on her campaign website.
Click here to donate to Pamela’s campaign. If you’re local, consider volunteering your time to help canvas!